Police recently conducted a scan/overview of the traffic congestion in St. Peters and South Reward. This helped police officers to identify several points that impede the free flow of traffic in those areas.

The first impediment point is this area is home to most schools in the country. The second point is the driving behavior of motorists during rush hours.

On the first point, police have little or no influence. As for the second point, police will attempt to persuade some drivers to modify their driving habits in the best interest of the free flow of traffic. The majority of motorists abide by the road rules, especially during peak hours.
In a previous press release, police pointed out that several bus drivers and parents are simply stopping in the middle of the road blocking the free flow of traffic to allow children to step out or cross the street in these busy areas.

Police find it remarkable that motorists caught up in traffic congestion use the opportunity to engage in other distractions such as texting and other distracting activities. Such activities also impact traffic fluidity at peak hours

Driver’s double-parking close to the school areas adds to the traffic impediments. Police urge all motorists to refrain from these activities while in traffic.